Three Months

WOW! Times waits for no one and nothing. It has been three months today since Dymond crossed the bridge and I still have my moments. They mostly come as I remember EVERY moment we shared. With each passing day, I am taking it one step at a time and keeping that little stinker near and dear to my heart. Dymond’s Paw brings great joy and therapy to my life. Each vision I’m given and every piece I create are reminders that memories are to be treasured, preserved and cherished. As always I say thank you to those who have continued to pray and encourage me, truly I am grateful.

Dymond keep eating lots of apples and eggs at the Rainbow Bridge!


Author: Katrina

Dymond was diagnosed with Histocytic Sarcoma October 2013, she kicked cancer's butt for nearly two years. She gained her wings on June 15, 2015.

4 thoughts on “Three Months”

  1. And you can bet Dymond is near and dear to your heart and nestled snuggly in your heart forever!!

    Dymond’s Paw is such a beautiful way to carry on her legacy of love and gentleness. Dymond truly is guiding you with each piece you create.

    You can bet she’s stuffing her cheeks with apples and eggs everyday! ‘Pretty sure she has her own apple tree and her very own hen house!

    Sending lots of love always!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

  2. Wow time goes way too fast. Yeah I’d say by now Dymond is really livin’ large and being the Queen of Tripawd Heaven! All the boys are in love I’m sure.

    Lots of hugs coming your way, you are doing great things to honor her life!

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