Five Months

20263_1233136024224_5801091_nToday is the five month mark, since my Dymond crossed the bridge. It has not been easy, I still have my moments and my heart still has a void. There really isn’t much more I can say.

Thank God for prayer warriors, creative vision, memories, pictures and beautiful days; all of which have helped me through such a difficult time.

As Thanksgiving approaches I’m reminded of the many blessings God has bestowed upon me. One of the many being Dymond, I can truly, wholeheartedly, unequivocally say, to have her and to love her brought me so much joy. May she forever know that her memory will live on!

Author: Katrina

Dymond was diagnosed with Histocytic Sarcoma October 2013, she kicked cancer's butt for nearly two years. She gained her wings on June 15, 2015.

6 thoughts on “Five Months”

  1. Katrina,
    I am glad you posted. That void will be there for a long time. I still have my moments with Sassy and it has been over 2 years. Our babies will always have that special place in our hearts. Thinking of you today.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  2. Katrina,
    Remembering your sweet Dymond…. She will ALWAYS be with you in your heart, and no, it is never easy to adjust to them not being beside you any longer, but she will always be with you in spirit…. And what Michelle said is so true, it doesn’t matter how long they have been gone, we will miss them forever……
    Thinking of you,
    Bonnie, Angel Polly, Pearl, and Zuzu

    1. Bonnie, you have no idea how much the thoughts and uplifting words have made this journey more tolerable. It is really hard to put into words how much I miss her, but I know the people on this site know exactly what I’m feeling.

      Love, hugs and blessings,
      Katrina and Angel Dymond

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